As humanity faces its greatest global challenges, the possibility and invitation to ‘Reinvent the Planet’ is not only an opportunity but a call to action we must answer. People around the world are now painfully aware of the fragility of our social systems and more sensitive to the urgent need to ‘Upgrade our Global Social Operating System’.
This is the time for large-scale collaboration and co-creation, and we need to reach that capacity soon. I have been working in the area of Collective Intelligence for more than 15 years, developing frameworks and tools that can help us achieve greater capacities to act collectively.
In this call to action, I am asking for your help to further develop the social blueprints that can help us shift humanity toward a new direction. Together, we can become part of a planetary awakening that is beginning to happen, and harness the power of our collective wisdom.
“To further develop the social architecture and blueprint necessary to establish a global community network capable of fostering a planetary awakening.”
This community will empower people at a personal and collective level to build a harmonious and evolved global society, as described by visionaries like Barbara Marx Hubbard, Buckminster-Fuller, Jeanne White Eagle, and others.
To accomplish this, I will launch a large-scale collaborative educational platform called “The School of Social Alchemy, (SOSA)” aiming to help us evolve a planetary and universal consciousness.
One of the first prototyping communities of this framework will be the Interstellar University Community, which will integrate the framework and syllabus of the School of Social Alchemy (SOSA) as part of its foundations and blueprint to build the cities of the future.
Additionally, SOSA’s blueprint is being used as a backbone for a large scale collaboration framework within the Together Life System platform. I will continue to further develop such a platform and synergizing with global movements sharing best practices and knowledge to foster global social synergy.
a) School of Social Alchemy (SOSA)
Develop the School’s syllabus for education and consulting. Subjects will include different community-building frameworks and methodologies to structure, educate, and technologically enable co-creation that can be scaled up to a global level. This syllabus can provide the basis for online classes and for consulting assistance to groups and organizations.
Enable a blueprint for the activation of a Network of Networks, unifying and synergising conscious communities around the world.
The evolution of our Social Operating System will outline “Success Indicators for Planetary Wellbeing”. This blueprint can be applied to projects similar to “The Office for the Future” and the “Peace Room,” as envisioned by Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Create the Website for the School’s educational platform. I will promote the syllabus on the website and invite a network of experts to share their knowledge and practices. Their expertise will help provide large-scale collaboration and co- creation of game-changing solutions to reimagine and reinvent our planetary society.
Establish the School’s first round of online and on-life classes and workshops. The first classes and workshops will teach such topics as Personal Mastery, Conscious Organization Skills, and Social Coherence Capacities.
b) Integrating SOSA’s framework to existing and emerging initiatives:
l. Interstellar Community Foundation (ICF)
Integrate the School of Social Alchemy framework into the organizational structure of the ICF.
Advise and co-create a process to choose an ICF Educational Group Coordinator, who will establish its main educational goals. and assess the development of its broad educational syllabus. This syllabus will offer a path to planetary and universal consciousness, balancing our “high-tech oriented society” with a “heart-tech oriented society.”
Align the educational syllabus of SOSA with the syllabus of the ICF Educational platform.
Help the ICF offer its first round of online workshops, which will provide educational resources for adults, adolescents and children to achieve ICF’s mission and goals. a
ll. Together Life System (TLS)
Align and further develop the SOSA framework into TLS, to support its purpose of enabling a global network of social entrepreneurs to synergize.
The TLS framework will be a gamified platform enabling participants to embody and develop the necessary skills to become One Unified Social Body, navigating through the 7 levels of co-creation of SOSA.
lll. More projects and initiatives working and/or interested in embracing SOSA’s and TLS Framework
The LeCiel Foundation and the One Ancient Future initiative
The Deepest Heart Desire Network (Initiated by Barbara Marx Hubbard)
Friends for Humanity foundation
Communita’s Network
Cerebro (Mexican initiative to respond to the COVID 19 emergency)
Initiatives of Change
City Transformers and the Worldwide Environmental Education Network
And many more…!
I will create a Board of Advisors to provide feedback and help me achieve my goals.
I will write a brief report each month to my sponsors/donors. It will be posted on my website, the GoFundMe site, and also sent via email.
I will share my progress and any difficulties I might encounter in order to tap into the genius of the sponsor/donor group and receive further guidance.
MY OFFERS TO YOU for your kind support:
Become an active participant and co-creator in the practices and innovations showcased in the online and on-life platforms.
Access to the experts and visionaries on these platforms.
Receive scholarships and/or free access to webinars, classes, and resources offered.
Become an honorary sponsor and member of this Planetary Awakening movement.
Thank you for supporting this important work of Planetary Awakening!
During the past 20 years, I’ve been developing the skills, knowledge, and global networks necessary to catalyze a movement towards a planetary awakening. My skills and experience are in the fields of collective intelligence, large-scale collaboration, social biomimicry, spirituality, and organizational and societal transformation.
I have traveled the world to gather and curate a fascinating array of social, quantum, and spiritual technologies to help humanity co-create “heaven on earth.” It is a matter of believing in and developing our capacities to learn how we can walk together to make this goal a reality. Use the following link to see my resume, my path in life, and where I am heading.